Report on self assessment


self assessment

As a part of third semester practice teaching, i conducted a self evaluation test for the students of class VIII C of K.P.M.H.S.S ,poothotta  on the chapter "Rosa parks sat still" and "The village blacksmith" to check whether the adopted teaching strategies were beneficial to the students or not.

I prepared a self assessment tool to be administered there. The tool consists of eleven questions and each having three options : " i can do it myself", " i can do it with the help of my teacher" and "i need  further improvement". students are expected to choose one option according to their ability.

On 1.10.2018 , i have administered the test in the class and  students filled the option and with respect to this i came to the conclusion that i have assessed myself and strategies adopted to teach the prose "Rosa parks sat still" and the poem "The village blacksmith " was successful.


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