report on study skill inventory

semester  2

study skill inventory

As a part of B.Ed curriculum in EDU 202 we have to assess the study skill of each students in the class  that i went for school practice teaching of semester 2.

So i conducted this study in S.N.D.PH.S.S Udayamperoor school of class 8th E . there were 36 students in my class. Among that 22 students were boys and 14 are girls. this questionnaire has 52 items on the aspects of study skill. it measures one's organization of time, goal setting, ability to concentrate etc. i distributed the questionnaire among 36 students in the class and asked them to choose the correct option which they prefer. 

By conducting the study skill inventory i could understand the different study styles and methods of the students in the class. And also, we could conclude that the study skills of the boys and girls are different in some aspects and it varies from one individual to another.


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