
Showing posts from March, 2019

Report on self assessment

practical self assessment As a part of third semester practice teaching, i conducted a self evaluation test for the students of class VIII C of K.P.M.H.S.S ,poothotta  on the chapter "Rosa parks sat still" and "The village blacksmith" to check whether the adopted teaching strategies were beneficial to the students or not. I prepared a self assessment tool to be administered there. The tool consists of eleven questions and each having three options : " i can do it myself", " i can do it with the help of my teacher" and "i need  further improvement". students are expected to choose one option according to their ability. On 1.10.2018 , i have administered the test in the class and  students filled the option and with respect to this i came to the conclusion that i have assessed myself and strategies adopted to teach the prose "Rosa parks sat still" and the poem "The village blacksmith " was successful.

report on study skill inventory

semester  2 practical study skill inventory As a part of B.Ed curriculum in EDU 202 we have to assess the study skill of each students in the class  that i went for school practice teaching of semester 2. So i conducted this study in S.N.D.PH.S.S Udayamperoor school of class 8th E . there were 36 students in my class. Among that 22 students were boys and 14 are girls. this questionnaire has 52 items on the aspects of study skill. it measures one's organization of time, goal setting, ability to concentrate etc. i distributed the questionnaire among 36 students in the class and asked them to choose the correct option which they prefer.     By conducting the study skill inventory i could understand the different study styles and methods of the students in the class. And also, we could conclude that the study skills of the boys and girls are different in some aspects and it varies from one individual to another.

report on critical evaluation of timetable

 semester 2 practical critical evaluation of timetable As a part of B.Ed curriculum we were assigned to critically analyse/ evaluate the timetable of the class allotted for my teaching practice at S.N.D.P.H.S.S Udayamperoor . i choose the timetable of VIII E for the critical evaluation of the timetable. when i critically evaluate the timetable i understood that an ideal timetable is needed for the present condition of the school. Because in total there were 8 periods are there but all periods are not equally distributed and there is some variation in extend of class . The distribution of time is not equal . I understood that construction of a timetable is not an easy task it can be done only with proper care and knowledge about the principles to be satisfied while creating a timetable.